- 檔案下載:2009 call for paper
The symposium has been held annually since 2000 by Yuan Ze Fuel Cell Center to boost up research in fuel cell development technology. By acquiring experience and reputation, this symposium has become the most important one of its kind in Taiwan. The two-day conference will commence with keynote lectures and showcasing thematic posters. At the same time, the progress report along with the present status in many areas encompassing fuel cell fundamentals, advanced components, system integration, and applications will be discussed in technical sessions.
Authors and presenters are invited to participate in this event to expand international cooperation, understanding and promotion of efforts and disciplines in the area of Posters. Dissemination of knowledge by presenting research results, new developments, and novel concepts in Posters will serve as the foundation upon which the conference program of this area will be developed.
A variety of sessions are available for presentations as it allows flexibility to the authors. All sessions are quality driven. For the favorable consideration of the abstract from the authors, a one-page abstract comprising a brief comprehensive summary is requested to submit online at http://www.fuelcells.org.tw/ prior to June 30, 2009.
The subjects of abstract submission include (not rigorously):
.The novel development of design, analysis, simulation, and optimization of fuel cell system and component.
.Fuel cell system, MEA, cell stack, reformer, electronic converter, hydrogen generator, hydrogen storage, air compressor, heat exchanger etc.
.All kinds of fuel cell such as AFC,PAFC,PEMFC,MCFC,SOFC,DMFC,URFC,metal fuel cell etc.
.Fundamentals of fuel cell such as electrochemical, catalyst, membrane, electrode, thermal transfer, mass transfer, technology of temperature and humidity management, failure mode analysis, nano-technology, etc.
.Patent analysis, commercialized strategy, policy and loyalty, education, and popularization of relevant papers about fuel cell.
[Important dates]
Deadline for abstract submission - June 30,2009
Authors will be notified of status of their proposed abstract - July 10,2009
Deadline for receipt of full paper - September 4,2009
Deadline for registration - September 18,2009
1.A complete version should include FULL PAPER and POSTER.
2.Author should bring the poster on September 24~25.
3.The poster should be the size of 90*120 cm2.
More information please see attached file.