方冠榮 (Kuan-Zong Fung)
Among several types of fuel cells, solid oxide fuel cell has shown its advantages such as high conversion efficiency, no needs for noble metal catalysts, use of hydrocarbon fuel, no liquid in the fuel cell, etc. In recent years, total 10MW Bloom Energy servers (100 kW/each) based on SOFC technology have been installed in California and North Carolina, USA.
Through the understanding of crystal structure and conduction mechanism, functional materials with better properties are obtained. Thus, better performance for longer operation period for solid oxide fuel cells is expected.
現職: l 國立成功大學材料科學與工程學系所 教授 l 國立成功大學博物館 蒐研組組長 學歷: l 美國猶他大學材料工程所博士 l 美國猶他大學材料工程所碩士 l 國立成功大學礦冶系學士 經歷: l 蒐研組組長,國立成功大學博物館 08/2015迄今 l 教授, 國立成功大學, 08/2007 迄今. l 副教授, 國立成功大學, 08/2003 至 07/2007 l 助理教授, 國立成功大學, 02/1998 至 07/2003. l Research Scientist, Materials and Systems Research, Inc., 01/1994 至 08/1998 專長: l 固態離子元件(燃料電池、鋰電池與氣體感測器)、生醫材料、觸媒、保存科學 獲得國內外重要獎項及其他榮譽: l 國立成功大學工學院研究優良教師, 2017 l Ross Coffin Purdy Award, 1993 l 國際知名學術期刊論文審稿人(Materials Chemistry and Physics, Journal of Solid State Chemistry 與Vacuum, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, Journal of Physical, Chemistry, Crystal Growth & Design, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Materials Letters., Electrochimica Acta, Materials Research Bulletin., Materials Chemistry and Physics) |